I’m teaching tango and CI in Odessa this weekend at the beautiful ‘Shantambala’
Я преподаю танго и CI в Одессе в эти выходные в красивом месте ‘Shantambala’
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I’m teaching tango and CI in Odessa this weekend at the beautiful ‘Shantambala’
Я преподаю танго и CI в Одессе в эти выходные в красивом месте ‘Shantambala’
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Many thanks to Claus Springborg for worksho p and Lesha Akve for the idea of the workshop and organisation. This time I really fall in love into CItango )
It was really wonderful workshop 🙂 Impressions are still in my body!
From Claus’s classes I got precise axis and structure, feet full of energy and consciousness, a lot of joy and love to tango. After workshop I have more possibilities for choice and play in my CI dance.
Thank you Claus for ideas and teaching!
Thank you Akve for organisation!
Thank you Shantam for nice and comfortable space!