How Yellow Essence supports inquiry

Teaching a section at the Yellow retreat at the Diamond Logos Academy in Copenhagen.

To inquire into our moment-to-moment experience is like throwing a pebble in a pond and receiving the ripples that are created.  The inquiry question is the pebble and any thought, emotion, impulse to take action, physical state, Essence, etc. that arises in the wake of asking the question are the ripples we receive.

Yellow Essence is the aspect of our Being that allows us to be light-hearted and joyful – even when dealing with difficult circumstances. Thus, Yellow Essence allows us to see our inquiry as a play that unfolds in our system for our delight and education – pure edutainment. This supports us in asking open‐ended questions, rather than agenda driven questions. The more open-ended our questioning, the more we can learn from it, and the more receptive we can be.

How Green Essence supports inquiry

Teaching at Green in DK

Teaching a section at the Green retreat at the Diamond Logos Academy in Copenhagen.

To inquire into our moment-to-moment experience is like throwing a pebble in a pond and receiving the ripples that are created.  The inquiry question is the pebble and any thought, emotion, impulse to take action, physical state, Essence, etc. that arises in the wake of asking the question are the ripples we receive.

Green Essence is the aspect of our Being that gives us the ability to stay with and perceiving hurt and pain. Thus, Green Essence allows us to let hurt and pain to be visible both to others and to one self.  This simplifies inquiry because it removes the parts of the activation in our system (the ripples) that arise from the need to cover pain, modify it, or soften it.

How Black Essence supports inquiry

Teaching a section at the Black retreat at the Diamond Logos Academy in Copenhagen.

To inquire into our moment-to-moment experience is like throwing a pebble in a pond and receiving the ripples that are created.  The inquiry question is the pebble and any thought, emotion, impulse to take action, physical state, Essence, etc. that arises in the wake of asking the question are the ripples we receive.

Black Essence is the aspect of our Being that erases the activation in our system – including thoughts and emotions. Thus, Black brings us back to a pond with no ripples, so we can throw in the pebble and see the replay of the activation.  Black is the ‘slow motion replay button’ of inquiry that enables us to become aware of details we might previously have missed.

How Red Essence supports inquiry

Teaching a section at the Red retreat at the Diamond Logos Academy in Copenhagen.

To inquire into our moment-to-moment experience is like throwing a pebble in a pond and receiving the ripples that are created.  The inquiry question is the pebble and any thought, emotion, impulse to take action, physical state, Essence, etc. that arises in the wake of asking the question are the ripples we receive.

Red Essence is the aspect of our Being that gives us a sense of strength. Thus, Red Essence helps us to stay receptive even when scary thoughts, emotions, or other kinds of ripples arise in our inquiry .

How White Essence supports inquiry

Teaching a section at the White retreat at the Diamond Logos Academy in Copenhagen.

To inquire into our moment-to-moment experience is like throwing a pebble in a pond and receiving the ripples that are created.  The inquiry question is the pebble and any thought, emotion, impulse to take action, physical state, Essence, etc. that arises in the wake of asking the question are the ripples we receive.

White Essence is the aspect of our Being that gives us the ability to not get hooked on thoughts and emotions. Thus, White Essence helps us to stay receptive during the process of inquiry by allowing us not to get hooked on any ripple that may arise.