Participated as dancer in Battle of Copenhagen.

The harbor area is packed. People are sitting and standing on stairs, wharf, and nearby rooftops. The booms of a canon and the loud hiss of a large fire breathing contraption mixes with a hypnotic theme in minor played by 125 double basses. Me and my partner are dancing tango in bare feet, wetsuits, and long admiral jackets. Five other dancers are throwing water at us from all sides. The moment melts into infinity. Then it’s over. The music changes. We’re lying on the platform, feeling its gentle movements on the water. Above me I see the light from a turquoise aquarium and inside it, the shapes of a woman and four soldiers in a slow spiraling dance.
Pictures by Per Morten Abrahamsen
Pictures by Karina Tengberg
Pictures by Kapser Karup
Pictures by Arthur Ancion
Video by Marina Tsartsara (1.48)
Video by Marina Tsartsara (11.32)
City Avisen
Blog by ariel dancer Maria Hallager Andersen