Solving Managerial Gordian Knots

Personal and professional leadership development

Most mid- or senior-level managers encounter Gordian Knots. Gordian Knots are problems with a significant, negative impact on the organisations’ bottom line, which persist in spite of the managers best efforts to solve them. You may already know what your Gordian Knot is. A sign that you are faced with a Gordian Knot is that you feel a particular problem is unnecessary and that it wouldn’t be a problem if everyone just did what they are supposed to do. You may believe the reason for the problem is that your fellow managers or employees are uncooperative, lack initiative, lack positivity or lack the ability to learn. Another sign that you are faced with a Gordian Knot is that you see an unsolvable dilemma where two essential objectives seem mutually exclusive or where pursuing a crucial objective seems inevitable to bring something harmful with it. Gordian Knots are not unsolvable. They only appear to be so. What typically blinds managers to the solution is their ideas about general leadership concerns, such as, confidence, commitment, collaboration, work-morale, motivation, freedom, strength, courage, appreciation, power, inspiration, and human nature. In this course, we draw on new cognitive science, spiritual traditions, and modern psychology to detect and change the ideas that obstruct managers from enacting effective leadership in their Gordian Knot situations 


The course is an energizing mix of practical reflective exercises, short presentations of relevant research, and group dialogue. To ensure relevance, the course focuses on working with the participants’ own challenges.

Learning Objectives

  • Develop the ability to assess when a problem is a Gordian Knots
  • Learn to solve Gordian Knots by becoming aware of, evaluating, and changing general assumptions about leadership concerns
  • Improve your ability to embody and enact leadership qualities, such as confidence, commitment, power, courage, inspiration, and appreciation.

Claus Springborg, PhD and lecturer at CBS

10+ years of experience teaching leadership and cocreation skills, management theory, systems of personal development, and entrepreneurship as an executive educator and as a lecturer at business schools across Europe. Being active as publishing academic, entrepreneur and social entrepreneur, I’m passionate about developing theories through practice and for practice. In my teaching, I value humanistic principles, precision, reflexivity, and humour

Online course about Business Studio Teaching and Learning

CBS creates online course about business studio teaching and learning. As one of the studio teachers at CBS, I’m in the course.

Over that past two years, I’ve been teaching students at CBS how to create vibrant communities both inside and around their start-ups, how to enhance the quality of the conversations they have around the development of their start-ups, and how to turn conflicting views into super-fuel for creativity.  Such learning objectives cannot be achieved through lecturing alone. In the studio, I can work with a broad range of exercises, and I can demonstrate what I’m teaching by staying alert to what is happening in the room and using whatever emerges to enhance the teaching experience.

Read an article about the new Business Studio Teaching and Learning course here

Book about how to solve unsolvable managerial problems

I have written a new book on how you as a manager can deal with those problems that on the one hand are important for you to solve, but on the other hand seems to persist no matter what you do. It can be very frustrating to be held back in your career by such problems. This book offers a practical and research-based approach to dealing with them.

The book is available both in hardcover and as (free) PDF for your e-reader (details below).

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Facilitatortræf Aug. 24th, 2018 bliver super

Ved sidste års Facilitatortræf, holdt jeg et oplæg om at bruge embodied cognition til at øge lederes effektivitet. Siden da har jeg udgivet en bog om emnet: Sensory Templates and Manager Cognition.

I år er jeg en del af planlægningsgruppen og jeg glæder mig meget til at opleve årets oplægsholdere. Det bliver episk. Biletterne blev udsolgt allerede to måneder inden træffet den 24/8. Du kan dog stadig se nogen inspirerende videoer, hvor oplægsholderne fortæller kort om deres emner:

Poetics of the Unsolvable

3 talks on art-based methods in leader development
You are invited to a 2-hour presentation on the results of 3 years research into the use of art-based methods in leader development. I will give the talk three times in different locations. I hope one of these will fit your calendar. You are welcome to bring anyone, who are interested. Just send a mail to let me know when you come.

  • May 21st, 15-17 at CBS, S20, Porcelænshaven 22, Råvarebygningen, 2000 Frederiksberg
  • May 27th, 15-17 at Resonans, Hauser Plads 32, 2, 1127 Copenhagen K
  • May 28th, 8-10 at DPU, A405, Tuborgvej 164, 2400 København NV

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Scores and Performances @ Copenhagen Business School

The students on the Fine Art of Leadership course, lead by Daved Barry, are developing a theatre piece that will be used as an artistic intervention in the Danish organization Cultural Copenhagen. I was invited to teach some general points about how to work with art creation. I chose to teach about the use of scores and improvisation in developing performances.

A score is a set of instructions that performers follow when performing. For example, the manuscript used by actors or the written sheet music used by musicians. In dance, scores are used to frame and focus improvisations. They can be used as guidelines for improvised performances that are shown to an audience or in chorographical work with dancers, where material for a new performance is developed through a series of improvisations.

Here are the slides I used: Scores and Performances

Perceptual refinement: Art-based methods in managerial education

Published paper in Organizational Aesthetics. It is a literature review in which I ask what unique contributions art-based methods offer to management education.

Arts-based methods are increasingly used to facilitate meta-level learning in management education. Such increased use suggests that these methods are relevant and offer a unique contribution meeting a need in today’s management education. Yet, the literature is not clear on what this unique contribution is, even though it abounds with suggestions of varying quality. To explore this matter, I conduct a systematic literature review focused on arts-based methods, management education, and meta-level learning. I find that the unique contribution of arts-based methods is to foreground and facilitate the process of making and expressing more refined perceptual distinctions, not to get accurate data, but as a meta-level learning process in itself. This finding is important, because it implies that using arts-based methods to facilitate other meta-level learning processes, e.g. reflection, critical reflection, or transformative learning, may limit the potential of such art-based methods. It is also important, because it suggest that future research regarding arts-based methods could focus on exploring the impact of perceptual refinement on, e.g., managerial practice, managers concepts of managerial tasks, or managers competence in carrying out managerial tasks.